I’ve known I would be an entrepreneur from the time I was making and selling flower crowns on the playground of my Oklahoma elementary school.

I didn’t know what I wanted to do, so I set out exploring. I spent my high school and college years chasing my love for photography. Apprenticing under a variety of photographers, from commercial to lifestyle, and learning the ropes of the photo biz. Meanwhile, I attended The University of Georgia and received a BFA in Graphic Design. I spent the next few years working in corporate marketing in the IT field, but all the while that entrepreneurial bug was still nipping at my heels. In 2014, I bit the bullet and left the corporate world to start Angie Webb Creative.
I combine the knowledge I’ve acquired in my patchwork of experiences to help me better serve my customers. In years since, I’ve experienced the tough challenges and the immense joys that come with birthing and nurturing a small business. I truly want everyone who has that entrepreneurial itch, that big idea, or that cause they believe in to be able to experience the same wins that I have.
So for me, this whole thing is personal.
I create strategic brands with maximum impact and sellability in mind because I want you to be successful. I believe that great design can help you do what you do, better, and that’s why I’m here.

You can still find me pursuing my first love of image making over here, and when I’m not glued to a laptop or a camera, you’ll find me hanging with my two pugs, globetrotting with my husband (Portugal and Croatia are at the top of my wishlist), or trying to grow a green thumb in my wild entanglement of a backyard. Sometimes, I like to write about life and business, you can find those essays here.